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MaTYSSE outreach - press releases

2015 September 09: hot Jupiters courting baby stars?

Although first detected 20 years ago, hot Jupiters are still enigmatic bodies. These celestial objects are giant Jupiter-like exoplanets that orbit 20 times closer to their host stars than the Earth does to the Sun. Using the ESPaDOnS spectro-polarimeter on the 3.6m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope atop Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano on the big island of Hawaii, an international team of astronomers led by JF Donati secured preliminary evidence that hot Jupiters can be generated in as little as a few million years - a timescale equivalent to one week if the 10-billion-year-lifetime of a planetary system were scaled down to a human life. This discovery, published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), will help us better understand how planetary systems like (or unlike) the solar system form and evolve into maturity. Learn more about this discovery here

 Artist view of a newly born giant planet in the disc of a baby star (credit NASA / JPL)

outreach/releases.1441716073.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/08 14:41 by jdonati